10 reasons why its time to update your website

1. It doesn’t work well on mobile

– Over 20% of Search Engine searches are performed on a mobile device.
– In the United States, a whopping 25% of Internet users only access the Internet on a mobile device and it growing.
FACT: 62% of companies that designed a website with mobile in mind saw increased sales.

2. Your Search Engine Rankings are low

– Search engine algorithms have changed quite a bit over the years, so if your organic search engine rankings are low, it could mean it’s time for an update.
– Thanks to Google’s recent update, good SEO is all about having original, targeted, strategic, high-quality content on your site, which is why sites with blogs perform so well.
FACT: 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. Creating your site with SEO in mind will ensure that potential customers can find you online.

3. Your visitors aren’t sticking around or converting

– If your web analytics show a high bounce rate, low time on site and low average pages per visit, that’s a pretty strong indicator that your visitors don’t find your current site useful for one reason or another.
– Likewise, if you’re trying to see ROI from your site, and you’re not seeing conversions – it’s likely time to re-evaluate your approach. By having your audience personas and goals in mind before your redesign, you’ll definitely see an increase in qualified traffic and leads!
FACT: A key indicator would be if sessions are up but page views are down and your bounce rate is higher than the industry standard.

4. It just looks outdated!

– Let’s face it if your website is a quite a few years old then it just looks outdated. Having an updated website sends the message that your company is healthy, forward-thinking. It is more likely to engage with your audience and leave a lasting impression.
– Your business has evolved and grown, what worked well in 2010 will not so well in 2017/2018!
FACT: 94% of people say that websites with good design are considered be to more trustworthy.

5. You can’t easily make content updates

– For SEO reasons alone, it’s important to keep your content relevant – the Content Management System (CMS) will make it so much easier to update the content and implement SEO strategy in-house. As a result, the updates will be more frequent.
– Re-developing your website really empowers the marketing team and creates time for them to do other marketing promotion.

6. Adding new technology and functionality

– Investing in the new tools and techniques makes more sense on updated technology.
– For instance, new data capture techniques, which can gain valuable data to increase your database.
– Or, by making full use of tracking software which you are paying out for but is limited due to the restrictions of the old website.

7. Make your website easy to navigate

– If the navigation is not well-organised and does not lead to conversion, then the content is not easy to understand and will lack clear calls to action.
FACT: 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less, and 40% of people will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load!

8. You’ve changed

– DGS has had a number of new products and services that do not fit into the existing website structure and therefore can’t be showcased appropriately.
– Redeveloping will give DGS the chance to re-prioritise your website focus and create a site designed around the current sales goals.

9. You’re Embarrassed to give out your URL

– This is what you said when we met – you do not drive traffic to the website.
– A new website is an investment in the future success of your business and will create better awareness and more leads.

10. It will reinvigorate your marketing efforts

– Your marketing channels should include a full mix of digital tools: search engine optimisation (SEO), conversion-focused pages, create strong user journeys, content marketing, social media, compelling visuals, etc.
FACT: Invigorated marketing means more SALES!