UX Trends that will improve the customer journey

UX design is about having a complete understanding of the user. VI’s designers will conduct user research, review user types and conduct performance and usability testing to design the most effective journey.


Key UX trends to consider…



Customer journeys are fundamentally linked to user experience. Bad UX design leads to bad customer journeys. A great way to ensure a good customer journey is to empower the customer along every step of the way, whilst viewing your website.

Every digital point of interaction in a customer journey should provide total self-service, whether that’s signing up, applying for something, purchasing products or making an enquiry, it’s important to allow the customer the time needed to decide on each step for himself – with direct links to customer services should they need it.


From a consumer perspective, strong UX alone is no longer considered a unique selling point. What started as a novelty or something that helps a product stand out, is now an expectation.

Research suggests our brains are programmed to be captivated by stories, as opposed to graphs, figures or facts. Therefore, in order for your business to stand out, you need to enhance your UX by telling stories that best represent your products and services.


We’re all familiar with this feature from streaming services like YouTube, Netflix, and Spotify but you can expect to see it in other areas as well when browsing the internet or researching a company or brand. Any organisation with a focus on great UX should keep up with this trend.

By incorporating personalisation into the user experience, you can offer useful products, services or content to the user based on their characteristics and behaviours.


Illustration plays an important role in any design process. UX illustrations should provide a visual interpretation of a particular concept, text or process.

Due to its creative flexibility, illustration has rocketed with a growing number of websites and mobile apps as a key way to enhance usability, emotional and visual appeal of a brand, product or service.